We are so thankful that we have had the opportunity to share our stories and our art with you and we hope that we can continue to do so in the New Year.
In this time of giving, receiving, and celebrating, we would like to offer our Christmas wish to you. And this wish is that the world will rejoice in Hope, Peace and Joy. For we are celebrating the coming of our Saviour.
In these times of chaos and tribulations, life can take a back seat on how we truly feel. Love thy neighbour, love thy family, and love those that have done us wrong. For forgiveness moves in all directions; for the ones that have done us wrong and those whom we have wronged.
As “science” tries to shut down Christmas for a second year in a row, I wonder if they (those in power) believe in Jesus Christ. This is one of the holiest of days in our Calendar and for a second year, they have made it difficult to share this day with each other. In these new times of “science”, I feel this Christmas we should be thinking less of what is going on around us and more on what it means to be a good neighbour, family member and Christian (or whatever is your faith).
Our Christmas wish this year is for that the divisiveness that has plagued our area will disappear like the fog. We were once a united community but now not so much. So, I pray that the tide will change in this New Year. Most people just want to see their families and the ones they love but with regulations and quarantining that follow this new “science” of life, it will not happen.
[Left to right: Active I by James C E Lightle; Active II by James C E Lightle]