"Colourful commentary by cheeky characters"
A new illustrated blog series created
by James Lightle and Jaime Lee Lightle
DISCLAIMER: a sense of humour is required :)

Yo! My name is Geoff the Grizzly. I have been trying to hitch hike across Canada, but everyone seems to be afraid of me due to my stature and my big claws. I am originally from the west coast of Canada where I used to fish salmon for a living. I like the Pacific salmon, but I am dying to try the Atlantic salmon hence the hitch hiking. I hope one day I make it to the east coast. My cousin Benny the black bear says that the salmon and blue berries are better in Nova Scotia than anywhere else. I am hoping to crash with him when I eventually make it there.

Felix the Fox is my name, trading natural resources is my game. I sold my first 1,000-acre forest plot when I was only 20 weeks old. I am trying to invest in the lithium mines of Saskatchewan. It will make my family rich in the future. The future is green they say. Green as in the colour of our 20-dollar bill - boo yah! It is all about the queenies baby!

Hello, my name is Benjamin Bear, but you can call me Benny. I live in Nova Scotia, near Parrsboro to be exact. I have been in the blueberry business for 15 years. It was difficult down our way during the pandemic. In Parrsboro, we usually get many tourists in the Summer however, last year's pandemic Atlantic bubble kept the tourists out. My blueberry farm was struggling for seasonal workers too; and I even tried to get my cousin Geoff from out west to help with the harvest. Geoff was even willing to work for yummy Atlantic salmon. Poor Geoff, he was not able to get a ride.

Walter the Walrus here. I am from Nunavut. During the pandemic we didn't have none of it; we were not afraid of Covid 19! Why you ask? Polar Bears! They are the real threat up here. Them and Narwhals. The Unicorns of the sea is what I call them. Apparently, Polar bears have been adapting faster than any of us. I heard of a Polar bear that got lost in Grizzly bear country and before he knew it, he ended up the father of a Growler bear. Yes, a Polar bear- Grizzly bear hybrid. Bigger and more aggressive. Yes, that’s just what I needed to worry about!
James and I just want to thank you for all your love and support and we hope we can continue to grow and share our work with you, our wonderful audience.
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